
"I'm quite pleased with this collection. I own presets from several other companies and these are my new favorites! Well done." - John R.

How to Quickly Embed Images in Text Using Photoshop

How to Quickly Embed Images in Text or Numbers Using Photoshop: An At-Home Activity for Photographers and Creatives

Step 1. Launch Photoshop and open the .PSD Template

We've provided templates for this activity that can be downloaded here (free, during COVID isolation): Photoshop Templates for Practicing Embedding Images Within Text. After downloading your template, go to File > Open… and select your desired file:

Step 2. Use the layer panel to view individual layers.

First, locate your layer panel on the right. If you don’t see your layer panel, it can be opened via Window > Layers from the top menu. Navigate to the first Letter or Day, and expand group to view individual layers:

Step 3. Select the text layer

To do this, click the layer that says “Your Image Here” or “Day X Image Here” to select:

Step 4. Select File > Place Embedded, then locate and open your image from your computer

To do this, with the above layer selected, navigate to File > Place Embedded… Once you locate your desired image in File Explorer or Finder and click “Open”:

Step 5. Drag and resize the image over the text

Follow these instructions and then click the check mark when satisfied:


Step 6. Collapse the group

Collapse the group the same way you expanded the group - by clicking the little arrow to the left of the group title. This is to avoid confusion, and move onto the next group.

Step 7. Repeat steps 3-6 for additional text or numbers

Do this until you are happy with the result and the image feels complete to you:

Step 8. Use Layer Style options to enhance your text if desired.

Examples of layer style options are drop shadow or stroke. You can do this by opening one of the layer groups, selecting the letter layer itself (not your image), and clicking the little “fx” at the bottom of your layer panel:

Step 10. Save finalized Image

Save via File > Save As… and save in JPEG format.


Bonus Challenge: You can create this project from scratch!

  1. Navigate to File > New… and create a canvas of any size. Feel free to use size templates for Web or Print.
  2. Type any word, statement, or letter with the text tool or make any shape on your canvas.
  3. Drag and drop an image onto your canvas from your files, or Navigate to File > Place Embedded… To add your image to the canvas.
  4. Right-click (or two-finger tap on Macbook) on your new image layer and select “Create Clipping Mask” from the pop-up menu to clip the image to your text or shape. Drag and resize until satisfied.


Many thanks to the creatives featured in this image tutorial!
Q – Tim Mossholder, U – Kelly Sikkema, A – Alex Motoc, R – Kelly Sikkema, A – Erik Mclean, N – Claudio Schwarz, T – Dimitri Karastelev, I – Clay Banks, N – Sharon McCutcheon, E – Kelly Sikkema