
"I'm quite pleased with this collection. I own presets from several other companies and these are my new favorites! Well done." - John R.

How to Install Presets in Lightroom 7.3 (April 2018) and Later

Note: This is a brief update only. For detailed installation instructions, please see the Help section of our website. 

Adobe Launches Lightroom 7.3

As many of you are aware, Adobe has released a major new version of Lightroom that includes some significant changes. This includes new Raw and Creative profiles, along with changes to the file format of presets.

Previously, Lightroom used the .lrtemplate (or .lrt) file format for presets. With the introduction of 7.3, Lightroom now uses the .xmp file format. This file format is the same format used by Adobe Camera Raw. The .xmp file format now makes presets interchangeable between Lightroom and Adobe Camera Raw.

How does this impact you?

If you upgrade to 7.3 and already have Lightroom presets installed, Lightroom will automatically upgrade your file format from .lrtemplate to .xmp the next time you restart Lightroom. Your presets will remain as .lrtemplate files in the develop presets folder, but they will also now be copied as .xmp files in the settings folder.

If you wish to install .lrtemplate formatted presets after you upgrade to 7.3, you simply put them into the develop presets folder and when you restart Lightroom, it will upgrade the newly added presets to .xmp files and it will copy their location from the develop presets folder to the settings folder. 

Location of the develop presets folder (location of .lrt formatted presets):

  • Mac Users*: Users > YOUR NAME > Library > Application Support > Adobe > Lightroom > Develop Presets
  • Windows Users:  C: > Users-[your user name] > AppData > Roaming > Adobe > Lightroom > Develop Presets

If you purchase new .xmp presets after upgrading to 7.3, you’ll want to install your presets in the settings folder, as shown below:

  • Mac Users*: Users > YOUR NAME > Library > Application Support > Adobe > Camera Raw > Settings
  • Windows Users:  C: > Users-[your user name] > AppData > Roaming > Adobe > Camera Raw > Settings

*On Mac, you may need to press ⌘ + G and paste the above path into the Go To sheet, as the User Library folder may not be visible.

Important Points

  • It's important to only add .lrtemplate template files to the develop presets folder, and only add .xmp files into the settings folder.
  • Once your presets are copied to, or installed in, the settings folder, they are compatible with both Lightroom and Adobe Camera Raw.
  • The Luxe Lens now offers both .lrtemplate and .xmp formats with each purchase.

Here are some visual guides on how to find your Develop Presets folder in Lightroom Classic CC, and convert .lrtemplate files to .xmps:


What about Lightroom Brushes?

There is no change to the file formatting or installation location of brushes. Brushes are still installed in the local adjustment presets folder and they are still formatted as .lrtemplate files. Remember, Lightroom brushes are only compatible with Lightroom 5, 6, and Classic CC. They are not compatible with CC. In CC, however, all presets can also be used as brushes.

2019 Update

As of 2019, you can quickly import entire .zip files (containing .xmp preset files) into Lightroom (Cloud-based) and Lightroom Classic (8.3+) via the "Import Presets" option in the Presets menu, and Adobe Photoshop's Camera Raw Plug-in via the "Import Profiles & Presets" option.

The newest versions of Lightroom and ACR can import the files they need, and reject the ones they don't. (For example, if you import your entire .zip of manual .xmp files into the cloud-based Lightroom it will add your presets and reject the incompatible brushes.)