
"I'm quite pleased with this collection. I own presets from several other companies and these are my new favorites! Well done." - John R.

The Luxe Blog

This week we chatted with Bri Viglianco, a multi-talented photographer and educator who has made the world brighter with storybook captures of her boys and their furry friends! 

Bri is a lifestyle and family photographer known for honoring and elevating true to life tones and creating breathtaking art of authentic moments as she documents life at home. So much of her work is infused with a clear sense of humor, real life energy and vulnerability, and a magical dash of pop culture which makes each image all the more relatable and memorable. With a thoughtfully refined palette and a hybrid painterly approach, Bri unites indoors and out like no other - she'll have you suspending disbelief with a fluffy white clouds in the den and whisked away in the magic of wherever she goes! 

We beckon you to fall under her spell and stay a while as we discuss capturing childhood, staying true to yourself and your art, and developing your editing style. 

As temps heat up, flowers bloom, and evening sun turns everything to gold, we plan to continue this interview series highlighting inspiring photographers.This week we spoke with Amber Connor of Four Ponds Living! We talked home and brand styling, maintaining authenticity, cultivating beautiful spaces, and Instagram as a tool for exposure. 

 At Luxe, we value elevating community and uniting photographers with one another for inspiration, friendship, mentorship, and growth. We connected with Alex about her journey, her process, and sought advice for learners and creatives want to dip their foot into conceptual photography but find themselves intimidated or struggling with personal reservations or barriers to getting started. 
Camera technology has advanced at a rapid pace, with some mobile phones rivaling the best camera options from even five years ago. When it comes to the best camera of 2022, it’s a close race. We offer not only best picks for 2022, but discuss affordable alternatives and what to look for! 
In this article, we discuss key steps to taking professional looking holiday photos from a do-it-yourself perspective, no matter your experience or skill level. Shoot your family photo, edit your creation, and place that picture in a holiday card template - all from the comfort of your home. 
Light and airy edited images have quickly become a social media staple. Bright, white, soft-toned edits are commonly lauded as the ideal solution to cultivate a clean and cohesive social feed. However, this popular look can be difficult to replicate. So, how are all these people getting that perfect look? The answer lies in presets and post-processing.  
To celebrate Black American photographers, we’ve compiled a list of nine artists who we consider must-follow talent. Diverse in their aims and focus, these artists have made substantial contributions to their respective photography genres. 
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted both the photography industry and creatives at large. Many (including members of our team) have lost significant contracts and have felt disparaged regarding next season’s prospects. In response and in support, we’ve compiled some suggestions for new protocols and creative projects that you can start right now to boost both your income and your morale.
To increase reach in a rapidly evolving online environment can sometimes be tricky, especially when something is hot one week and almost unheard of the next. We evaluate the options. 
The COVID-19 outbreak has affected freelance and small business photographers everywhere, and so many of us were left reeling - both financially and mentally. We're here, and we stand with you in solidarilty. This article contains suggestions and resources to help you refocus and realign both yourself and your business. Our aim is to provide tools for continuity and confidence in the face of uncertainty and feelings of powerlessness.

Download your templates for this activity (free, during COVID isolation). Step 1. Launch Photoshop and open the .PSD Template. Step 2. Use the layer panel to view individual layers. Step 3. Select the text layer. Step 4. Select File > Place Embedded, then locate and open your image from your computer. Step 5. Drag and resize the image over the text. Step 6. Collapse the group. Step 7. Repeat steps 3-6 for additional text or numbers. Step 8. Use Layer Style options to enhance your text if desired. 

With so many amazing Lightroom preset sellers on Etsy, why isn’t Luxe selling on Etsy? As a small business founded and run by Photographers, we’re big proponents of buying small and supporting other photographers. Etsy would seem the perfect fit. But it isn’t. And we’re happy to talk about why.